Specialist in acoustic materials

    Fast delivery from stock

    Extensive product range, customisation possible

    Fibers & Foams


    Fibers & Foams will be happy to help you with customised acoustic materials. Think of sound-absorbing foams, de-drumming or vibration isolation cut exactly to your specifications. 

    Customisation is about more than just the product. We also take care of smart packaging and efficient transport. By looking at the whole process, we offer you the best service.  

    Customised acoustic materials

    Fast and efficient

    Acoustic materials are often supplied in standard sizes. In addition to these standard sizes, we also offer custom-made acoustic materials. This provides size parts that are ready to use immediately, making processing easier and faster. Although customisation can sometimes be more expensive, this often compensates for the cost of cutting waste, the risk of cutting errors and the time saved during processing.

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    Maatwerk akoestisch materiaal

    Extensive range of machinery

    Versatile customisation

    Our extensive machinery enables us to provide versatile customisation. Because we do this in-house, we can deliver quickly and actively think along about the best cutting or milling for your product and project. We use digital cutting plotters that automatically cut materials from digital files such as DXF or PDF. Thanks to various modules, tools and blades, we can process a wide range of materials accurately and efficiently.

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    Zund snijden van akoestisch materiaal | Maatwerk

    Need customisation?

    Our specialists are at your service

    Customisation often offers greater efficiency, ease of use and precision. Wondering if customisation is right for your situation or business? Contact us to discuss the possibilities.  

    Tristan Goudzwaard

    Tristan Goudzwaard

    Sales & Customer Support

    Expert advice from our staff
    Fast delivery from stock
    Customised solutions

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